The research group in environmental geochemistry is focused on sulfur and metal geochemistry as well as nutrient cycling in Boreal coastal, lacustrine and marine landscapes. Research includes: (1) nutrient cycling in lake ecosystems and restrain of the internal and external loading, (2) identification methods and management of acid sulfate soils and assessment of the fate of associated metal species along the biogeochemical spatial gradients from the coastal terrestrial environment to the Baltic Sea, and (3) biogeochemistry of marine sediments with emphasis on the long-term environmental changes caused by climatic oscillations and anthropogenic nutrient loading.
Environmental Geochemistry

Ph.D. Peter Österholm (ÅAU)
Senior lecturer
Environmental geochemistry with focus on the effects of watershed land use on soil geochemistry and recipient streams and estuaries.

Ph.D. Eila Hietaharju (UTU)
UNIVERSITY LECTURER, head of geology section
My responsibilities are mostly teaching (quaternary geology, hydrogeology and geochemistry), study counselling, personal study plans. My research interests and fields of speciality are on paleolimnology and geochemistry; especially eutrophication and nutrient cycling.

Ph.D. Miriam Nystrand (ÅAU)
Postdoctoral researcher
Element concentration, fractionation and/or speciation in natural waters, peat and sediments mostly influenced by acid sulfate soils.

M.Sc. Stefan Mattbäck (ÅAU)
Ph.D. Student
Acid sulfate soil analysis, characterization and mapping

M.Sc. Miradije Rama (ÅAU)
Ph.D. student
Studying area is environmental geology. Focused on using smart clay mineral to recycle nutrients from wastewater. Recycling of nutrient is a “key of our future”.