Fennoscandian Bedrock focuses on the evolution, composition, structure and the resources within the crystalline bedrock of Fennoscandia. The research aims at improving the scientific understanding how the planet Earth works, but also provides a solid foundation for applications within e.g. mining and exploration, engineering and environmental control.
Our research of the Fennoscandian Bedrock is supported by the academic licenses of the MOVE Suite (3D-modelling software) kindly provided by PE Limited (Petex; https://www.petex.com/). (the Licensor has donated the equivalent of £1,928,384.01 to the Licensee).
Prof. Olav "Joffi" Eklund (ÅAU)
I am a petrologist with interests in the tectomagmatic evolution of the
Fennoscandian shield and environmental mineralogy. Currently I am
working with post-collisional metasomatism, carbonation of mafic
silicates, mineral filters and graphite findings in the Fennoscandian
Ph.D. Esa Heilimo (UTU)
My main research interests are in the petrology and geochemistry of Precambrian plutonic rocks as well as modelling source components and possible geodynamic settings in which they have been formed. Additionally, I find the distinctive secular changes in crust and ore formations between Archean – Proterozoic transition in the geological record fascinating.
Jussi S Heinonen (ÅAU)
My main research interests are igneous geochemistry and petrology. This means that I study processes inside volcanoes and magmatic systems mainly using elements and their isotopes. In addition to research, I am teaching MSc-level courses and supervising PhD students. I am also leading a non-fiction book project about "Ancient volcanoes of Finland" (in Finnish).
Ph.D Kaisa Nikkilä (ÅAU)
University lecturer
My research interests is crustal evolution by using structural geological and geochemical methods. Currently my research focuses on the structural analysis and melt formation of the Southern Finland migmatite complex, and alterations studies of brittle structures in SW Finland.
Ph.D. Jaakko Kara (UTU)
Post doc
I'm using geochemistry and recent developments in isotope geology to study the evolution of the Svecofennian orogen in southern Finland.
MSc Teemu Vehkamäki (UTU)
University teacher
My main research topics are U-Pb geochronology and the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Svecofennian orogen in South-Finland. In teaching my focuses are basic courses in bedrock geology and an advanced course in metamorphic petrology.
M.Sc. Eemi Ruuska (UTU)
University teacher
Structural geology and 3D-modelling. Current research focuses on structural analysis of the bedrock linked to deep-lying glacifluvial aquifers in Kurikka, western Finland.
M.Sc. Jon Engström (ÅAU)
Ph.D. student / Senior Specialist, GTK
Research topic: Structural geology and ductile deformation in SW Finland – Implications for the tectonic setting and Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution during Svecofennian Orogeny.
Rakibul Islam (UTU)
Ph.D. Student
M.Sc. Tuomas Kauti (UTU)
Ph.D. student
3D-modelling and structural study of the diabase dyke network of the Archean Siilinjärvi carbonatite complex in eastern Finland.
M.Sc. Anna Saukko (ÅAU)
Ph.D. student
I research migmatites and related granites in southern Finland, combining igneous and metamorphic petrology.
M.Sc. Anna Johnson (ÅAU)
PhD student
I research the evolution and the varying tectonic settings during the Svecofennian orogeny. I focus on mafic magmatic rocks connected to the intraorogenic extensional phase, using tools as geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology. I currently concentrate my research to southern Finland.